I don't remember the last time I woke up at 7 am to go out to breakfast in PJ's which is why it's on the must list. There is nothing better than rolling out of bed and into an IHOP. Back in the day breakfast used to be my favorite meal but now I don't ever get up early enough to sit down and enjoy it -so for the first time in forever we hopped into IHOP and stuffed our faces. I've forgotten how amazing breakfast can be especially when wearing PJ's. Definitely going to do it more often!
Must #1: Go Sailing
Must #24: 3rd Annual Kyle Simonson Golf Classic
Must #12: Help Someone Move
DIY Modern Painting
Must #70: Write Down an Epiphany
This "Must" might seem a little far fetch but hear me out. Today was no special day just another Saturday-that is until my sister and I went to the Irvine Spectrum to watch my nephew play at the water park(an area with shooting water spouts). As soon as we arrived my sister informed me that my nephew might be a little hesitant about the shooting spouts since he'd been shot in the eye before and bled. For the first few minutes he ran along the perimeter and scoped out the site. After going full circle he made his way in and ran around like a banshee. Like clockwork, moments later he got shot in the eye. Jen pulled him aside and reminded him not to look down and to watch out for the shooting spouts. He didn't listen and got shot too many times to count. While watching this spectacle I was struck with an epiphany...so here goes....
Everyone has trials but its how you handle them that matters. Often we are advised from others to stay away from things/people that can hurt us and yet we choose not to listen and to continue on the same path. I would love to go back in time and change some of my decisions based off of the advice I'd been given. Why is it that we don't listen to those who have already experienced pain and similar trials? After watching my nephew it became painfully obvious that one only learns when some form of pain is experienced. For him it took several shots to his eyes before it finally clicked. I can think of at least a dozen times when I've ignored advice and found myself lost and broken. But maybe that's what's needed in order for change to occur. I've found that reoccurring trials don't go away until you choose to change your reaction towards them. So when you notice a negative pattern in your life that keeps reoccurring try a different approach and break the habit.
DIY Salt Water Cleanse
Must #14: Spend time with the Fam
Must #32: Do Something That Scares You
The idea of doing something that you're afraid of came from a piece of advice I read,"Everyday do one thing that scares you". This alone has inspired me to conquer my fears which in turn has helped me grow as a stronger individual. I can finally say that I've faced one of my BIGGEST fears (tearless with no whining). As cliche as it sounds-we only have one life and fear isn't going to stop me from experiencing it to the fullest. My advice to those who dare to try something that scares them...Take the jump! and be ready to face a whole new world with endless possibitlies. Shoot, I did. I flew upside down, sideways and backwards all at the same time. I've never been so proud of myself and I can't wait to do it again.
Must #20: Learn Something New
DIY Homemade Soft Pretzels
Must #52: Day at the Beach
Must #12: Go Karaoking
Must #8: Go to a Baseball Game
The Peanut Gallery
Must #43: Join a Book Club
Must #45: Balloon Ride at the Great Park of Irvine
To give you an idea of the contraption-The carriage is half mesh/half metal and hallow in the middle. It is being held by the mesh that is wrapped around the entire balloon and then clipped to the middle. Side note: I'm terrified of heights . All set? Heck yeah...ready?...okay no. When you jump in the carriage you are told to spread out and disperse your weight evenly (so not to tip the carriage)You can bet I stood frozen in place and threatened anyone who moved. Inside the carriage I noticed that the mesh holding the carriage is CLIPPED to a cable that is grounded on the launching pad.....just one clip! My Biggest Concern: The clip breaking which would release the mesh and we'd all drop.
DIY Practical Joke
What better day to perform a practical joke than on April fools day? The theme was perfect, an easter crime scene. Genius to some, morbid to others. 250 eggs, 8+ bags of grass, and creative talent that made it a spectacular Hoppy Fools Day. We ended up decorating 5 offices, which made me realize that next time I'd stick to one. This wouldn't of been possible without everyone who participated...oh and caffine.