
Must #6: Breakfast in PJ's

I don't remember the last time I woke up at 7 am to go out to breakfast in PJ's which is why it's on the must list. There is nothing better than rolling out of bed and into an IHOP. Back in the day breakfast used to be my favorite meal but now I don't ever get up early enough to sit down and enjoy it -so for the first time in forever we hopped into IHOP and stuffed our faces. I've forgotten how amazing breakfast can be especially when wearing PJ's. Definitely going to do it more often!

Must #1: Go Sailing

Ever sit down and think about activities you love but haven't done in years? Since graduating college and getting a 9-5 my aspirations for getting back into sailing (an activity that makes me giddy like a sixth grader) has turned into a far off dream. It wasn't until I wrote down activities for my "must list" that I challenged myself to get back into sailing and sign up for a Shields course. The first day of class was a little daunting since its been years since I sailed but eventually it all came back. I can't think of any other activity that makes you feel like King Triton (literally). The sun on your face, your hands feeling like they're gonna rip off as you hold tight to the lines in a tug of war with the wind, and hiking your body weight to the outside of the boat as it Keels(tip). To beginners the feeling of your boat tipping to one side is horrifying-to me, THRILLING. That's when the real fun begins as you jump on the edge of the boat to lean out as far as you can in hopes to even out without giving any slack to the main sheet. Is there anything more empowering and exciting than this? The only challenging part of sailing a Shields to me, is docking. I've never sailed anything higher than a 22 so a 30 was a little nerve racking. To give you an idea of the overall process here's the order. 1st put your boat into irons(making the boat completely useless) in the middle of the channel (As you're doing this dozen of boats are driving by and staring at you wondering what in the dickens you're trying to achieve). 2ND take down your main sheet(main sail). 3rd the 1st mate wraps the main sheet in a burrito and releases the helm lines as the captain holds the tiller. 3rd let the wind catch your jib and sail towards the slip. 4Th when your two boats away from the dock take down the jibe. 5Th lead boat into slip(No Sails). It sounds fairly easy when in actuality its complete chaos-to say the least you feel completely helpless. I'm hoping that with practice docking will eventually feel like second nature. This upcoming Saturday we're taking the boats into the ocean for some real fun! SWEET!! There's nothing like white caps crashing in your boat as you get blown to smithers by the wind and soaked with salt water. I love it! Thank goodness there's no such thing as calm in the ocean. Saturday can't come soon enough!

Must #24: 3rd Annual Kyle Simonson Golf Classic

Here's the story: Last year I was on the planning committee for the PARS 2nd Annual Kyle Simonson Golf Classic and my boss had informed me that I'd be the fill in if any golfer couldn't make it. I must of thought he was joking because I couldn't imagine who'd want me on their team since I'd never played before. Unfortunately, the next morning I got the call that I was needed to play. I threw such a tantrum because I was being told to do something that I had never had any interest in EVER doing. When I got to the course they had clubs waiting for me and I was sent on my way. I felt a bit foolish at the end of the day because I ended up having such a blast. My team finshed in 2nd place and I was stoked because I made par on one of the holes entirely by myself. This event was so much fun I pre committed to playing the following year. It's that time again! Last weekend I participated in the 3rd Annual Kyle Simonson Golf Classic and I had the best time ever! The only downfall- I played with clubs that were too short -which caused me to I swing and miss the ball more times than I'd like to admit. Side Note: I can't even explain the pain that comes with missing the ball oh lets say 100 times. I honestly didn't want to use my driver because I was afraid of the pain that occurs when you miss. A couple of my teammates had made the comment, "oh its too painful to watch (literally)"and "She's swinging out of her boots"-yet I kept getting the same comment on how great my form was and how I must have played before. My teammates this year were hilarious and extremely patient. They always let me putt first which I thought was because I was the only girl but the truth is because they wanted the worst player to go first. To their surprise I putted in 4 of the 6 holes we birdied. 18 holes later I was informed that my clubs were too short for me. My neck,back, and sides would have loved to have known that 4 hours earlier. Even with all the pain I experienced I'm officially addicted to golf and can't wait to play in the tournament next year.

Must #12: Help Someone Move

The second I heard that Erika was moving I knew I needed to be there. Let me start off by saying that Erika is one of the sweetest people alive. Everyday she has a huge smile on face and is beyond helpful. In California I've found that whenever somebody moves everyone is always too busy to help...expect Erika. She always offers to help and never expects anything in return. This last Saturday I offered my services and in true Lindsay form brought backup...Mo's son Dylan. The second we arrived we were in shock. How could 3 people who live in a 2 bedroom apt have so much stuff? That's when we all came up with theories of how in life you accumulate "things" but that having "things" tie you down. There's more to that tangent but I'd hate to put you to sleep. Anywho-the day was full of laughs, aches and dolly rides (I think I almost died a couple times). At the end of the day I drove Dylan home and luckily talked his Mom into leading me the twins for Sunday's (the next day) move with Frances. Yes you heard right- I offered my services both Saturday and Sunday to help move. I must be crazy. The next morning was a little less daunting but still full of challenges. The twins were a huge help and hilarious to say the least. The best was going downstairs for trash bags and returning to find the boys dancing and cleaning at the same time. I was lucky enough to get this on video and will be posting as soon as possible. Thanks again boys for putting up with my bossiness-we made a great team!

DIY Modern Painting

DIY Painting
I'm no picasso but I love to paint. This painting is super easy to create. For starters, use masking tape to make square boxes. Then, using any paint color of choice, fill in the box with paint. Once dried, remove tape, and keep making more boxes.  Have fun!

DIY Painting ArtDIY Painting

Must #70: Write Down an Epiphany

This "Must" might seem a little far fetch but hear me out. Today was no special day just another Saturday-that is until my sister and I went to the Irvine Spectrum to watch my nephew play at the water park(an area with shooting water spouts). As soon as we arrived my sister informed me that my nephew might be a little hesitant about the shooting spouts since he'd been shot in the eye before and bled. For the first few minutes he ran along the perimeter and scoped out the site. After going full circle he made his way in and ran around like a banshee. Like clockwork, moments later he got shot in the eye. Jen pulled him aside and reminded him not to look down and to watch out for the shooting spouts. He didn't listen and got shot too many times to count. While watching this spectacle I was struck with an here goes....
Everyone has trials but its how you handle them that matters. Often we are advised from others to stay away from things/people that can hurt us and yet we choose not to listen and to continue on the same path. I would love to go back in time and change some of my decisions based off of the advice I'd been given. Why is it that we don't listen to those who have already experienced pain and similar trials? After watching my nephew it became painfully obvious that one only learns when some form of pain is experienced. For him it took several shots to his eyes before it finally clicked. I can think of at least a dozen times when I've ignored advice and found myself lost and broken. But maybe that's what's needed in order for change to occur. I've found that reoccurring trials don't go away until you choose to change your reaction towards them. So when you notice a negative pattern in your life that keeps reoccurring try a different approach and break the habit.

DIY Salt Water Cleanse

1 liter of warm water and 3 teaspoons of sea salt = The Salt Water Cleanse.  I was already planning on doing a cleanse this year, so I decided to give it a shot. My first initial thought was why would anybody do this? I love salt...but not a liter of warm salt water-Gross. That should have stopped me but it didn't. The easiest way to get it down is in 4 cups. The first 2 cups were pretty easy compared to the last 2 which had me dry heaving. Exactly 1 hour after consuming the concoction the cleanse started to work brilliantly. Let's just say it literally clears out your entire intestinal track. Who knew salt could be so good for you.
You want me to do what?

Must #14: Spend time with the Fam

To celebrate Fathers day this year Jenn and I took Daren and Dad to the Great Park of Irvine to ride in the Orange Hot Air Balloon. I'm afraid of heights-so you can imagine how excited I was to do this activity for the 2nd time this year. The whole time I distracted myself with taking pictures to hide any apparent fear. Normally I'm not shy about my fear but because my 3 year old nephew has the courage of Evil Kenevil- I wanted to be a good role model. To be honest, I thought for sure he was gonna chicken yeah the joke was on me. OH what I would give to have a pinch of his courage. After we landed we headed over to Irvine Regional Park to ride the train and eat lunch (Only the Best-Corn Dogs and Nachos). From beginning to end we laughed our heads off and had a great time. Thanks Jenn for coordinating the day. We love you Dad!

Must #70: Start the Wave

It was so much fun the first time-I had to do it again.

Must #32: Do Something That Scares You

There are a lot of things in life that I'm afraid of. I might act tough but when it comes to roller coasters I shake in my boots. What better place to ride some of the craziest roller coasters than Six Flags Magic Mountain? I have to say I'm a pretty lucky gal to have the most kick butt friends to go with. I couldn't have asked for a more supportive and hilarious crew. All of the coasters were crazy and as I'm being thrown like a rag doll all I can hear is my friends saying,"Lindsay Breathe...Breathe Lindsay.." Way to look out for me guys! Again, I was really lucky to have a supportive crew to help me accomplish this goal. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day despite sue telling me that the next ride would be easier than the last-which was never the case! I felt like a little kid going to the doctors for a surprise shot all over again. After riding the biggest and baddest of coasters we were all pretty useless and headed out. It's fascinating how multiple Adrenalin rushes can put you to sleep in seconds. I must give props to Chris for taking such awesome action photos-You rock!

The idea of doing something that you're afraid of came from a piece of advice I read,"Everyday do one thing that scares you". This alone has inspired me to conquer my fears which in turn has helped me grow as a stronger individual. I can finally say that I've faced one of my BIGGEST fears (tearless with no whining). As cliche as it sounds-we only have one life and fear isn't going to stop me from experiencing it to the fullest. My advice to those who dare to try something that scares them...Take the jump! and be ready to face a whole new world with endless possibitlies. Shoot, I did. I flew upside down, sideways and backwards all at the same time. I've never been so proud of myself and I can't wait to do it again.

Must #20: Learn Something New

I did it! I finally learned how to make Html Codes!! This is my first button that I'm sharing with everyone and anyone who wants it. Feel free to copy the code below. Let me know what you think.
Copy this Code-Enjoy!!

DIY Homemade Soft Pretzels

Homemade PretzelsFor those who don't know me cooking/baking is not my strong point. I'd love to call myself a Betty Crocker but I'd be lying. Let's just say I have issues cooking rice. Anywho, last year Jackie bought me this Auntie Anne's pretzel kit and I've been dying to test my skills. I was pleasantly surprised at how simple they are to make and quite impressed with myself when it came to forming the pre-cooked dough-it was like second nature. It's quite possible I was a baker in my last life.
homemade pretzels

Must #52: Day at the Beach

If you live in California and don't take advantage of the beach you're crazy. It's been 3 years since I moved back from Utah to California and the first time I've spent a day relaxing at the beach. As cliche as it sounds you never realize what you have till its gone. That being said I'm going to try and spend a lot more time in the water and around the beach this summer. This particular day started off with a boot camp class that DESTROYED me. After feeling like I'd been beaten up we headed to Subway and then down to Huntington Beach. We had only been there for about 15 min before this old man decided to sit down and kick it with us. He was a handful and yet I had never laughed so hard in my life. It turned awkward when he started talking about his Ex-wife and was completely jaded. The entire time he made comments like, "Do you know where I went next".....To which I almost peed my pants when Jackie replied, "No, I seriously doubt she has any idea where you went" It was so blunt and honest that it was hilarious. The old guy finally decided to take off but not before leaving us with creepiest line ever, "You girls are a Delicious Distraction". Although was completely inappropriate and nauseating to hear it come out of his mouth. Despite the creepy old man factor-it was a perfect day at the Beach.

Must #12: Go Karaoking

I'm no Whitney Houston, but who can resist grabbing a mic and singing like the next American Idol?Life's more fun when you don't take yourself seriously. Anyone who knows me personally knows that everyday is a comedy with the craziness that comes out of my mouth. I'll be the first to admit that I'm my own favorite comedian (besides my sister Jenny). I'm the first to laugh at my mistakes. Okay so this is where karaoke comes in. Ever since my sister performed, "Easy", with the lines, "I'm Easy...Easy like a Sunday Morning.." when she was 9 months pregnant 2 1/2 years ago, I haven't been able to get karaoking out of my head. Her provocative and fun dance moves had me busting up. I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants. That night she taught me that when you karaoke you need to go above and beyond when it comes to the performance:Go Big or Go Home. For my first song I chose, "Hit me with your Best Shot" by Pat Benatar. A Classic and a warm up for what I really came to do. "Let's give Em Something to Talk About", was my pride and joy. I really tried to have fun with the crowd and kept in mind what my sister would have done. I had an absolute blast and have never performed anything like that before. My advice to anyone who tries it...make sure to take some liquid courage- it really helps make the performance that much more entertaining. You can only imagine what it did for me.

Up close and personal with the crowd-This was my most ambitious moment

Mike and I've been friends for over 10 years and I had no clue he could sing...To make matters worse-he completely up staged me with, "Baby got Back"

Must #8: Go to a Baseball Game

Baseball games should make the Must list every year. It's the only game you don't miss a thing when you don't watch. My goal was to start and or participate in the WAVE. Sad to say I didn't get it on camera (next time I will) I was a fanatic about it. I literally was the only one in my section for the first 3 rounds that kept jumping up with both hands in the air. Although slightly embarrassing-it was a really fun experience. We ended up staying for the entire game...which felt like a lifetime. Even though the angels lost (Big Time) it was a blast and I'm looking forward to going to another game this season.

The Peanut Gallery

Must #43: Join a Book Club

I haven't enjoyed a good book since Teddy Ruxpin read to me in the 80's. That being said I've always wanted to join a book club and what better time then now? Book club has helped me make reading a priority and relax more. Every six weeks we get together and share our thoughts over great food and wine. This particular group of women are a lot of fun to be around. I challenge everyone to give book club a try and if you're local you're more than welcome to join mine. If book club isn't your thing than at least unglue your hand from the TV remote and pick up a good book. It might change your life. Goofing Around in Book Club

Must #45: Balloon Ride at the Great Park of Irvine

It's a bird...It's a plane...It's in Orange in the Sky? Yep, that's right. The city of Irvine provides a free of charge balloon ride in hopes that people will come and visit the new up incoming Great Park. The park is estimated to take around 20 years to complete and will be twice the size of Central Park. It is located in Irvine/Tustin between the 405 and 5. Just head down to South Orange County and look up-you cant miss it. The park is decorated with painted oranges everywhere and an "orange" balloon to represent Orange County. That being said you can imagine my confusion when I overheard someone call it a peach... I mean really? why would they have a flying peach? Soap Box Moment: We need better education and less malls....
To give you an idea of the contraption-The carriage is half mesh/half metal and hallow in the middle. It is being held by the mesh that is wrapped around the entire balloon and then clipped to the middle. Side note: I'm terrified of heights . All set? Heck yeah...ready?...okay no. When you jump in the carriage you are told to spread out and disperse your weight evenly (so not to tip the carriage)You can bet I stood frozen in place and threatened anyone who moved. Inside the carriage I noticed that the mesh holding the carriage is CLIPPED to a cable that is grounded on the launching pad.....just one clip! My Biggest Concern: The clip breaking which would release the mesh and we'd all drop.
Erika-dealt with my craziness as I gave everyone an ear full of all the worse case scenarios. I remember telling her to choke me till I pass out if the cable snapped. She advised me to imagine being on a ride at Disneyland-one problem-I hate Disneyland. So much for that thought.
This is a great shot of what less than half way looks can imagine my excitement. The pilot at this point informed everyone that he didn't have enough helium to get us down if the cable snapped. This was the number one reason why I told Erika to choke me...there's NO way I'd want to be conscious for that experience.
The view was incredible..but my favorite part was standing next to an older gentlemen who kept saying, " We haven't stopped yet...we're still going up" Great! Of all the 10 people in the carriage how did I get stuck next to Mr. Obvious? Seriously who invited this guy?I felt myself wanting to bend down and hide from the view that could potentially end my life. I found humor extremely handy in keeping me sane especially when I overheard someone say, "I think I've had to much to drink" to which I replied, "I haven't had enough!" This pretty much sums up my balloon ride experience. It's worth every penny...considering it's free.

DIY Practical Joke

The Crew
DIY Practical Joke My favorite are the judging bunniesWho kills the Easter Bunny?

What better day to perform a practical joke than on April fools day? The theme was perfect, an easter crime scene. Genius to some, morbid to others. 250 eggs, 8+ bags of grass, and creative talent that made it a spectacular Hoppy Fools Day. We ended up decorating 5 offices, which made me realize that next time I'd stick to one. This wouldn't of been possible without everyone who participated...oh and caffine.